Nicolas Casariego is a Spanish writer. His parents were Pedro, a renowned architect, and Carmen, an expert in natural dyes. He has a degree in international affairs by the European Business School. He ...Show More
Nicolas Casariego is a Spanish writer. His parents were Pedro, a renowned architect, and Carmen, an expert in natural dyes. He has a degree in international affairs by the European Business School. He is author of the novel Dime cinco cosas que quieres que te haga (Tell me five things you want me to do to you, Espasa Calpe, 1998), the books of stories La noche de las doscientas estrellas (The night of the 200 stars, Lengua de Trapo, 1999) and Lo siento, la suma de los colores da negro (Sorry, but adding colors give black, Destino, 2007), In addition, he has published an essay on lterature, two children's books, stories in various anthologies and newspapers, travel articles for the supplements of the diaries El País and El Mundo, and is co-scriptwriter of three feature films, including Intruders, directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo and starring Clive Owen. Cazadores de luz (Light hunters, Destino, 2005), a science fiction story, is his second novel and was finalist for the Nadal Award 2005. His latest book is the novel Anton Mallick quiere ser feliz (Anton Mallick wants to be happy, Destino, 2010). Hide