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How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
Apart from just been an advertising executive, Ben is also a perfect ladies man, but he enters a strange agreement which could change it all for him.
13 May 1959, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
13 October 1977, Markham, Ontario, Canada
17 November 1967, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
9 August 1970, Chicago, Illinois, USA
31 July 1975, Anchorage, Alaska, USA
13 October 1932, Paris, France
30 March 1961, Newark, New Jersey, USA
12 June 1941, Brooklyn, New York, USA
2 September 1975, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
March 25, 2014
Along with a terrible ending, there's also a numerous range of plot inconsistencies that insult the audiences intelligence.February 07, 2003
Isn't as bad as it looks.May 27, 2004
Has just enough substance beneath the surface throw the romantic comedy some much needed freshness.August 20, 2009
A modest but bubbly comedy of manners. [Blu-ray]January 01, 2011
Battle of the sexes romcom with mature content.February 13, 2003
When a chick flick goes wrong -- and this one hits a dead end in hell -- it's a wipeout.August 07, 2009
...despite reservations about the goofy plot and the cocky characters, the movie proceeds pleasantly enough.February 10, 2003
This tortured premise to get them together and the things they go through, every minute of it just lies flat on the screen.February 07, 2003
Resorts to the kinds of cliches that were so yesterday two weeks ago.March 06, 2003
More an exercise in how to lose an audience in 10 minutes.March 02, 2011
The biggest problem I had with this film was the set-up and premise. It works on paper, but most of the movie is spent with the characters being simply awful.