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It! The Terror from Beyond Space
It's the future, 1973, and a rescue team is sent to fetch Col. Edward Carruthers (Marshall Thompson), the lone survivor of the first manned flight to Mars. Edward is accused of murdering his fellow crewmen. But Ed claims that the killer was a Martian monster.
9 September 1903, Hove, East Sussex, England, UK
26 February 1905, Chelsea, Massachusetts, USA
17 April 1913, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
28 July 1911, Amarillo, Texas, USA
29 December 1889, Sioux City, Iowa, USA
14 February 1902, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
14 December 1909, New York, USA
15 January 1927, Coraopolis, Pennsylvania, USA
6 March 1916, Los Angeles, California, USA
8 January 1920, Palermo, Sicily, Italy
26 December 1922, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
16 May 1923, Charleston, West Virginia, USA
March 08, 2008
One of the best sci-fi flicks of the '50s; the basis for 'Alien.'January 31, 2012
Combination science fiction film and thriller is an early look at space travel on film.November 25, 2002
A towering classic of 1950s sci-fi horror cheese. It's more fun, more memorable and certainly more influential than the handful of big-budget sci-fi movies of the era.May 31, 2006
Proudly displays all of the limitations of its bargain-basement budget.October 09, 2013
It's a wonderful little horror thriller that will whet the appetites of fans that love claustrophobic genre pictures.September 26, 2001
Considering the budget constraints the film was operating under, this film nevertheless proves to be an entertaining one.May 11, 2012
Unintentionally funny low-budget 'Fifties horror effort. ("Mars is almost as big as Texas," one character thoughtfully muses at a point. "Maybe it's got monsters.")October 31, 2011
In tone, it's really the predecessor of James Cameron's gung-ho sequel Aliens.June 08, 2015
As with Alien and Jaws, for example, the most frightening things about this creature are the things that we don't see.August 09, 2007
An excellent claustrophobic alien tale that debatably inspired "Alien"