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Sophie's Choice
Sophie, who has escape from Auschwitz concentration camp, moves to Brooklyn with Nathan Landau, her lover. Stingo, who is a novelist and a friends of them, visits and spends sometimes with them. Their relationship becomes complicated when Sophie's past is revealed, Nathan's emotions turns instable and Stingo shows his interest in Sophie.
3 June 1949, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
23 November 1959, New York City, New York, USA
24 October 1919, Wilno, Wilenskie, Poland [now Vilnius, Lithuania]
16 May 1949, Vienna, Austria
5 November 1956, Wansford Camp, England, UK
8 June 1918, New York City, New York, USA
9 September 1934, Uljanik kraj Daruvara, Croatia, Yugoslavia
July 20, 2003
Heartbreakingly lovely performances.August 15, 2014
And while Meryl Streep's performance is largely worthy of its laurels ... the film around it is much harder to forgive. Beyond Streep, Sophie's Choice is little more than a tediously assembled WWII drama of interminable length.October 23, 2004
So perfectly cast and well-imagined that it just takes over and happens to you. It's quite an experience.June 26, 2007
Competently directed by Pakula and [features] gorgeous cinematography by Almendros.March 02, 2008
Stunning to the max, and Streep is memorable as Sophie.November 05, 2009
A suffocating 151 minutes long, with a healthy portion of that running time devoted to a hunk of Holocausploitation of the most crass and cynical variety. And that's the good part.June 26, 2007
The picture is completely devoid of cinematic interest, adopting instead a tiresome theatrical aesthetic in which showy monologues are filmed in interminable, usually ill-chosen long takes.December 10, 2007
The movie is too Hollywood in look and feel, and the flashback and narration are too conventional, and yet the image of the sickly and pale Meryl Streep recollecting her ordeal lingers in memory long after the film is over.June 24, 2006
By the end, the accumulated weight and lethargy of the production fails to invest Sophie's fate with the significance Styron achieves.August 30, 2004
Though it's far from a flawless movie, Sophie's Choice is a unified and deeply affecting one. Thanks in large part to Miss Streep's bravura performance, it's a film that casts a powerful, uninterrupted spell.June 26, 2007
Astoundingly tedious.April 29, 2014
The way Streep inhabits Sophie, and brings her history to life whether she's explicitly talking about the past or carrying herself across the room with wounded grace, can't help but make parts of the rest of the film seem smaller by comparison.