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The Hunter
A shadowy biotech corporation sends a mercenary (Willem Dafoe) from Europe to the Tasmanian wilderness to hunt down the world's only remaining thylacine whose genetic code holds the secret to a dangerous weapon.
1979, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
15 August 1956, Bielsko-Biala, Slaskie, Poland
6 March 1987, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
1970, Australia
12 June 1967, Wantage, Oxfordshire, England, UK
14 June 1977, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
14 September 1947, Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland, UK
December 01, 2012
Well-crafted and finely acted adventure story that held my interest throughout.April 13, 2012
The character arc is strong on paper but not well-realized on film, and therein lies The Hunter's greatest failing.April 27, 2012
With a rucksack of gadgets, Dafoe makes a believably cunning tracker, and when he finally confronts his prey, the mutual respect feeds a poignant parable.January 16, 2013
The Hunter delivers a quiet and somewhat meandering story that wallows in self-importance and social agenda.October 17, 2013
It is an atmospheric and richly rewarding film that glides along at a pace akin to that of the small country local within which it's set.August 11, 2014
The Hunter is a film of surprising scope and intimacy.May 17, 2012
A movie with more plot than it can comfortably handle.June 30, 2013
Slow-moving but graceful, this character study is engaging and insightful.May 03, 2012
It's all intended to be darkly metaphorical. In actuality, it's a mediocre film unfolding without plan, purpose or enthusiasm.April 19, 2012
Not much happens in "The Hunter." And what little does happen, happens very slowly. And then is repeated.June 19, 2013
Its mostly observant temper keeps us from being greatly moved, but it holds us with its acute, almost laboratory dissection of its people's beings.April 09, 2016
It's a character study, for the most part, allowing the complications and relationships to puncture the narrative only when they have finally penetrated the man.