Life with Louie - Season 1
The episodes of this animation series revolve around a gentleman named Louie Anderson. Since his childhood, Lowe Anderson has been a lovable person, although he is very annoying. As a child, Lowe grew up with his beloved mother and his madly cute father. Loy lives with his 10 siblings, and the children in the school who like to disturb him, as he was raising more exciting situations in his life.
19 January 1961, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
June 15, 1963 in Laval, Québec, Canada
16 June 1955, Carbondale, Illinois, USA
10 April 1929, Rye, New York, USA
30 November 1957
16 October 1940, Lamesa, Texas, USA
15 April 1952, Bessemer, Alabama, USA
4 October 1980, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
15 August 1958, Chicago, Illinois, USA
24 March 1924, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA