Rick and Morty - Season 5
An animated series that follows the exploits of a super scientist and his not-so-bright grandson.
21 March 1962, New York City, New York, USA
27 January 1969, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
22 September 1967, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
31 October 1970, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
7 December 1965, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
5 November 1958, Staten Island, New York, USA
6 June 1967, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
1 January 1972, Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada
June 14, 2021
The premiere shows a lot of promise for the season as a whole. It's just as inventive as ever, and by not resetting the status quo, there's more room for character development.