Bones - Season 12
When her old assistant decides to take Brennan into forceful custody,Booth and his team make move to rescue her whilst also trying to figure out the death of a man creating robot.
2 April 1984, Florida, USA
7 November 1964, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
7 February 1959, Orlando, Florida, USA
28 April 1981, London, England, UK
31 December 1989, Placentia, California, USA
20 September 1978, Jefferson City, Missouri, USA
March 27, 2017
Dismiss Bones as a workmanlike "meat-and-potatoes" series if you like. But there isn't a TV outlet in existence that couldn't use - or shouldn't want to have - a show whose dependability never wavered and popularity held steady until near its end.January 04, 2017
The final season of Bones is here, and the first episode of Season 12 was an action-packed thriller.January 03, 2017
The final chapter of Bones is both riveting and charming. Every fan be they devoted, lapsed, or even new, owe it to themselves to see this through to the end.March 27, 2017
Twelve and out - with a bang, a chase, some memories and some hugs.