Hannibal - Season 1
Hannibal Lecter was a brilliant psychiatrist in the employ of the FBI. His task: to help an unusually gifted criminal profiler, Will Graham, who is haunted by his ability to see into the minds of serial killers.
5 May 1940, New York City, New York, USA
9 May 1975, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
6 October 1983, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
18 September 1984, New York City, New York, USA
April 03, 2013
On the decomposing-corpse meter, the stink level is 7 on a scale from 1 to 10.April 04, 2013
Even if you think you've had enough of serial killers, give Hannibal a try. But keep the lights on. And don't plan to eat while you're watching.September 26, 2013
Hannibal is promising to be mighty delicious. Mads Mikkelsen will see to that.April 10, 2014
The last half of "Hannibal"'s debut season is as good as anything on television.April 04, 2013
Hannibal isn't quite the sum of its admittedly evocative parts.April 08, 2013
It quickly has become one of my absolute favorite new shows so far this year.April 04, 2013
That's a problem with the show: It takes itself so seriously, yet is so far-fetched.April 04, 2013
A gorgeously realized production with a difference.September 16, 2013
Hyperstylized and, at times, hypnotically beautiful, it's a nightmare masquerading as a dream, the rare cannibal story that has the smarts to back up its hunger for brains.July 16, 2016
It was (and still is) the most beautifully designed and photographed series on television. Not what you expect from a show with such gruesome subject matter and grotesque murders.