King of the Hill - Season 1
Set in Texas, the animated series follows the life of propane salesman Hank Hill, who tries to deal with the wacky antics of his family and friends, while also trying to keep his son in line.
25 October 1944, Carville, Louisiana, USA
6 December 1987, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
29 May 1958, USA
24 December 1966, Alexandria, Virginia, USA
27 August 1970, Kingsbury, London, England, UK
26 November 1978
11 September 1956, Odessa, Texas, USA
16 October 1940, Lamesa, Texas, USA
16 August 1972, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, USA
18 September 1949, Gadsden, Alabama, USA
8 February 1979, Pasadena, California, USA