Psych - Season 5
The series goes back to a host of exciting events where the history of the rich young widow's widow is slaughtered, and Sean and Goose are incited against the dirty, dirty villain. They are convinced that the victim is a deceptive artist. On the other hand, Sean and Joss sneak into a gang of street car thieves to catch a murderer, and two former police retire to help Sean and Goos resolve the killing of a former police chief.
27 June 1984, Auckland, New Zealand
22 July 1982, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
3 January 1981, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
15 October 1954, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
24 December 1966, Alexandria, Virginia, USA
November 22, 2017
It was a great plot to spin on the part of the writers that someone like me could spend pages upon pages analyzing its impact on each person involved. Definitely TV to talk about!November 22, 2017
Psych is a show that celebrates delicious dialogue and, in its way, is one of the wittiest shows on TV.November 22, 2017
As for the episode in general, it was okay, but PSYCH is capable of much more.