Teen Wolf - Season 2
Teen Wolf follows a teenager named Scott, who is bitten by a werewolf. In season 2, Lydia vanishes from the hospital after a disturbing hallucination, and is found naked in the woods two days later. Isaac, a tormented teen abused by his father, is attacked while working in his father's cemetery.
27 September 1950, Tokyo, Japan
16 August 1985, Amarillo, Texas, USA
14 January 1954, North Trenton, New Jersey, USA
29 May 1994, Los Angeles, California, USA
June 01, 2012
Like The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf successfully blends horror, mystery, romance, teen angst and plenty of reasons for cast members to show some (tasteful) skin.June 04, 2012
There is quality action, great suspense, plenty of romance with very attractive actors, and interesting plot twists.June 01, 2012
It may lack the emotional depth of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but like that modern classic, Teen Wolf isn't joking about friendship and loyalty in the gnarly face of terror.June 04, 2012
If only the series had some atmosphere; whether the action unfolds at the school or out in the woods after dark, it has practically none, which is a serious failing for a show that hopes to mint its own mythology.September 19, 2013
Whoa there, Teen Wolf. "The Girl Who Knew Too Much" is making me head to the floor in a fetal position from all of the revelations of the episode.